Andon Board: The facility for workers to signal problems to supervisors for immediate remedy, stopping the production process if necessary. Workstations along the production line can activate a warning on an illuminated central display board, which constantly displays productivity levels.
=> SCRUM/Kanban board + CI/CD automation
Asa-ichi Meeting: A meeting held every morning in Toyota plants to discuss quality deviations and eliminate their causes. An essential part of the practice of kaizen.
=> Daily stand up
Genchi Genbutsu: Going to the source to find the facts to make correct decisions, build consensus and achieve goals.
=> Retrospective (Root Cause Analysis) + face2face communication
Heijunka: Leveling the production schedule in both volume and variety. A precondition for just-in-time and elimination of mura, muri and muda.
=> Velocity + self-organization + sustainable development
Jidoka: Making problems visible so that they can be immediately addressed (automation with human touch - build in quality in each step is responsibility of each team member even it means stopping whole production).
=> Test automation + ownership + e2e responsibility
Just-in-Time: Making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed, delivered just as they are needed (a continuous ‘pulling’ flow of standardized operations) (smooth, efficient and continues flow).
=> Iterations & increments + user stories + grooming + planning + CI/CD + working software
Kaizen: Continuous improvement. As no process can ever be declared perfect, there is always room for improvement (focus on what should be done rather on what can be done - positive attitude - 5 whys - 5S (sifting, sorting, sweeping & cleaning, spic-and-span, sustain).
=> Retrospective + motivated & trustworthy individuals
Kanban Card: An instruction in the process that parts need to be replenished for production to continue uninterrupted (pull principle).
=> Post it
Poka-Yoke: Mistake-proofing – devices that make it difficult or impossible for a worker to make common errors at his or her workstation. A simple but creative and reliable way to reduce errors and maintain quality (standardization).
=> Simplicity + tools & technical excellence
Pull-System: Items called only as they are needed, as opposed to a ‘push-system’ that may not take account of actual need.
=> Backlog ordered according to business value + change is welcomed
Takt Time: The rate of customer demand – producing only what the market requires, and thereby achieving the optimum duration of the work-cycle that fulfills each customers demand
=> Sprint
Muda: Waste in all its forms (things that do not add value to the final product): overproduction, surplus inventory, rework/correction, motion, processing, waiting and conveyance.
Mura: Unevenness (in workload). Heijunka eliminates mura, muri and muda.
Muri: Overburden or strenuous work, leading to safety and quality problems – more waste.
=> SCRUM/Kanban board + CI/CD automation
Asa-ichi Meeting: A meeting held every morning in Toyota plants to discuss quality deviations and eliminate their causes. An essential part of the practice of kaizen.
=> Daily stand up
Genchi Genbutsu: Going to the source to find the facts to make correct decisions, build consensus and achieve goals.
=> Retrospective (Root Cause Analysis) + face2face communication
Heijunka: Leveling the production schedule in both volume and variety. A precondition for just-in-time and elimination of mura, muri and muda.
=> Velocity + self-organization + sustainable development
Jidoka: Making problems visible so that they can be immediately addressed (automation with human touch - build in quality in each step is responsibility of each team member even it means stopping whole production).
=> Test automation + ownership + e2e responsibility
Just-in-Time: Making only what is needed, when it is needed, and in the amount needed, delivered just as they are needed (a continuous ‘pulling’ flow of standardized operations) (smooth, efficient and continues flow).
=> Iterations & increments + user stories + grooming + planning + CI/CD + working software
Kaizen: Continuous improvement. As no process can ever be declared perfect, there is always room for improvement (focus on what should be done rather on what can be done - positive attitude - 5 whys - 5S (sifting, sorting, sweeping & cleaning, spic-and-span, sustain).
=> Retrospective + motivated & trustworthy individuals
Kanban Card: An instruction in the process that parts need to be replenished for production to continue uninterrupted (pull principle).
=> Post it
Poka-Yoke: Mistake-proofing – devices that make it difficult or impossible for a worker to make common errors at his or her workstation. A simple but creative and reliable way to reduce errors and maintain quality (standardization).
=> Simplicity + tools & technical excellence
Pull-System: Items called only as they are needed, as opposed to a ‘push-system’ that may not take account of actual need.
=> Backlog ordered according to business value + change is welcomed
Takt Time: The rate of customer demand – producing only what the market requires, and thereby achieving the optimum duration of the work-cycle that fulfills each customers demand
=> Sprint
Muda: Waste in all its forms (things that do not add value to the final product): overproduction, surplus inventory, rework/correction, motion, processing, waiting and conveyance.
Mura: Unevenness (in workload). Heijunka eliminates mura, muri and muda.
Muri: Overburden or strenuous work, leading to safety and quality problems – more waste.
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