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Showing posts from June, 2017

Toyota Production System and Agile Software Development

Andon Board : The facility for workers to signal problems to supervisors for immediate remedy, stopping the production process if necessary. Workstations along the production line can activate a warning on an illuminated central display board, which constantly displays productivity levels. =>  SCRUM/Kanban board + CI/CD automation Asa-ichi Meeting : A meeting held every morning in Toyota plants to discuss quality deviations and eliminate their causes. An essential part of the practice of kaizen. => Daily stand up Genchi Genbutsu: Going to the source to find the facts to make correct decisions, build consensus and achieve goals. => Retrospective (Root Cause Analysis) + face2face communication Heijunka: Leveling the production schedule in both volume and variety. A precondition for just-in-time and elimination of mura, muri and muda. => Velocity + self-organization + sustainable development Jidoka : Making problems visible so that they can be ...