When is user story ready for a sprint?
I think that team should prepare in advance these points:
I think that team should prepare in advance these points:
- Title - short summary of the story
- PO: business requirements (schematic, not novel, priority order) = what & why & when to do?
- UI: wire-frames or sketches of new UI/UX and flows = how to do it on UI?
- Dev: architecture & design impact (dependencies, cfg, DB changes, migration, new libs ...) + suggested technical solution = how to solve it on backed and code it? what is impacted? could solution generate technical debt? are we aware of taking some technical short-cuts?
- CI & devOps impact (Jenkins, VMs, Sonar, Vagrant, Ansible ...) do we need change on CI/CD or envs?
- QA: acceptance criteria (could be part of DoD) + environments definition to validate
- PO: clear and understandable DoD (bullets) - fixed for a sprint duration
- Estimation in story points
- Links to discoveries (wiki page) or related stories or bugs
- Fix versions: branches where to commit or merge
- Sub-tasks with estimation in hours (optional)
- Epic where story belongs
- For bigger stories/epics 'driver' should be identified = somebody who understands whole story/epic and can coordinate a development
Team have to consider the story doable and feasible in particular sprint
PO & SM should take care about uncontrolled discussions about story on more places (ticket system, wiki, chat, email ...) which are not integrated into 'one source of truth'
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