Implementation of Agile (SCRUM) in company requires setup of few meetings to achieve benefits of this methodology. It could be very different across various companies and this is my perspective after 7 years experience with Agile. Daily stand-up goal: build team awareness about the progress of each story in the sprint, detect impediments and identify potential actions to remove them; reassess priorities to be sure that we are on right road with focus on ticket flow who: team moderator: SM length: 15 minutes, every day - it must be the heart-beat of the team, everybody should contribute and understands that this makes sense - the same time and place every day, - quick as possible: 'pam-pam-pam' - sprint board (backlog and story we talking about) must be visible for everybody - only one attendee talk in one time; SM should kill side talks - team members should pick tickets voluntary (self organization) - SM is discussing stories from top priority to lower ones and ...